Opportunities and risks of biofertilization for leek production in urban areas

Opportunities and risks of biofertilization for leek production in urban areas

8 janvier 2018 Par Camille Dumat

Influence on both fungal diversity and human bioaccessibility of inorganic pollutants.

Auteurs : Antoine PierartCamille Dumat, Arthur QuyManh Maes, Christophe Roux, Nathalie Sejalon-Delmas.

Biofertilization decreased AMF diversity associated with leek : changes in AMF community may have impacted TM phyto-uptake and bioaccessibility ; Sb and Pb phyto-uptake are both dependent on plant species and soil origin ; Human bioaccessibility of Sb increased with biofertilization, unlike Pb and Cd.


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