Antimony bioavailability : knowledge and research perspectives for sustainable agricultures

Antimony bioavailability : knowledge and research perspectives for sustainable agricultures

11 février 2015 Par Muhammad Shahid

Open Archive Toulouse Archive Ouverte (OATAO).

Auteurs : Antoine Pierart, Muhammad Shahid, Nathalie Séjalon-Delmas, Camille Dumat.

This paper reviews Sb in edible plants in relation to sanitary consequences ; Sb contamination in urban areas has been increasing for 50 years ; Sb values in edible plants are very scattered ; A serious lack of data exists about Sb behavior with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ; There is no legal threshold for Sb in edibles, but potential human risk can occur.

AUTHOR-DEPOSITED VERSION PUBLISHED ⇒ vol. 289. n° 219-234. ISSN 0304-3894


Ressource en anglais.